
I’ve blogged before about the Africa Gospel Church Baby Center in Kenya, a home for abandoned or orphaned babies, including babies with HIV/AIDS. Staci Keter, the director, frequently sends out email updates about new babies or babies that have found adoptive parents. Today, I got one that I felt needed to be shared. “Yesterday, we Read More


There are several reasons why I fell into a complete and utter state of panic when our canoe capsized in Lake Myakka. I try not to panic for no reason at all. Here’s what happened. Steve, our friends Dave and Tara, and I were on spring break in Florida, and we decided to go canoeing Read More


Last Saturday, I made a coffee cake. It was a perfectly good coffee cake, but it was a biggie, and by the middle of the week, it started getting a little stale. Plus, I was a little tired of it. So, one morning as I was contemplating another breakfast of nuking a piece, I had Read More


We’ve been watching a lot of the 2010 Winter Olympics this week. As someone who grew up in the tropics, I love watching those silly people dance around the ice, defying death as they fly down frozen mountains, and acting like frantic janitors. (Curling: pure awesomeness!) And as we’ve watched the snowboarding, every once in Read More


My friend Ben posted this poem a few days ago on his blog, and I was so struck and dazzled by it, I just had to pass it on. Failure is such a harsh force in our lives, but God is so amazing – He loves us and uses us for His glory despite our Read More