Race Reports


Holy WHAT?? I just ran a half marathon! That’s 13.1 miles DONE. This is a bit of a long post, but I wanted to make sure I documented everything. I got up at 5:00, ate a whole-wheat English muffin with peanut butter and a banana, my standard pre-long-run fuel. Steve and I were out of Read More


Steve issued me a challenge about six weeks ago: run 10 miles before my birthday (December 19) and earn a new pair of running shoes (actually, at the time he said a 2nd set of running clothes, but I’ve since decided to get shoes instead), or I’d have wait until Christmas to use the rockin’ Read More


Third race in 2011! I wasn’t planning on running another race before my half-marathon next spring, but when I walked into church a few weeks ago, there was a booth set up advertising a 5K race to raise money for outreach. A lumberjack-themed 5K with a pancake lunch afterwards that only costs $5? Rachel is Read More


A year ago, would I have believed it if you told me that I could run 6.2 miles without stopping? Prolly not, yo. But I CAN! I like working out for a goal. After my 5K in June, I needed another goal to work towards. So, sometime in August, I signed up to run a Read More