Race Reports


I’m trying to be philosophical about not finishing. That I made the right decision given the circumstances, that it wasn’t all a waste, and that it was still a good experience. But there’s just no way of getting around it: when you train for something for three months and don’t finish, it just darn STINKS. Read More


1. Age is just a number. Quite literally. We all had our ages written on our right calves, and it quickly became obvious that there were a LOT of people over the age of 40 who were competing, and competing well. It appears that the sport of triathloning improves with age. The winner, in fact, Read More


The short of it: my goal was to complete the triathlon – consisting of a 500 meter swim, 16.8 mile bike, and 3.75 mile run – in two hours. My final time? 1 hour, 55 minutes. Beast mode was ON! The long of it: Pre-Race I woke up at 5:00, had whole-wheat toast with peanut butter, Read More


Wow, how to sum up meeting a goal I set for myself a year ago? After I ran the 5K at this race last year, I was determined to come back this year and do the half marathon. Although, even then, I thought, “Can I really, really do that?” Um, guess what? I totally can! Read More


I’ve had a couple days to process Saturday’s race, and I’ve started sifting through some things I learned that I can focus on for the next one. (Cue “The more you KNOW…”) 1. My pace – in the end – wasn’t all that bad. Maybe I’m just bad at math, or lazy because I didn’t Read More